Has the means become your mission?
Have you ever found yourself so focused on a project that you forgot why you started it in the first place?
One of my favorite movies is the classic WWII film The Bridge on the River Kwai.
In the film, British prisoners of war are tasked with building a bridge for their Japanese captors. Initially, their goal is to resist their captors at all costs.
But as the project progresses, the bridge takes on a life of its own. The men become so wrapped up in perfecting it that they lose sight of their original mission—resistance.
I see the same thing happen with real estate investors all the time.
One client came to us with a portfolio of properties that had been growing steadily over 30 years.
What started as a way to support his family had turned into a full-time job. He was working for his real estate, instead of his real estate working for him.
All the growth and effort put into building the portfolio had become his focus, instead of the freedom and lifestyle it was meant to provide.
If you’re finding yourself overwhelmed by managing your properties, or struggling to remember why you invested in them in the first place, it’s time to take a step back and ask a few questions:
Why did I get into real estate in the first place?
Is this investment still serving my initial purpose?
If I started over today, would I follow the same path?
The danger of losing sight of your original goals is that you may end up with a lifestyle you never intended—one that’s dictated by your properties instead of your personal ambitions.
If it’s time to refocus on your first principles, doing it with an expert third party can be very helpful. I’ve been doing this for more than 20 years, so let’s talk.
Until next week,
Wally Smith
P.S. If you’re ready for more in-depth guidance, there are two ways I can help you.
1. Schedule a personal consultation
If you’d like a personalized consultation, we offer 45-minute consultations for free (no strings attached, ever).
You can schedule a 45-minute consultation call here.
2. Check out my weekly Impact 1031 Podcast: The 1031 Show
Click here to see past episodes.
If you have a specific question you’d like answered on the show, you can submit your question here.