Who can benefit from The 1031 Show™?

  Wally Smith: Well, and we see it every, it seems like every decade now. There is a one of these severe once in a lifetime market crashes that come around every 10 years. The primary audience for our show has been those who have accumulated highly appreciated assets. I mean in 2008, they were…

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How does coronavirus create investment real estate opportunity?

Wally Smith: You know there are a lot of sectors. We talked about market segments. There’s also a lot of ways to own things. You can own things directly, going out and buying a Starbucks or owning a single family home or a duplex or something like that, but you can also own them as…

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How does Coronavirus affect different real estate sectors?

  Wally Smith: A month ago the topic was entirely different and now the topics are all about the coronavirus and how that’s affecting the overall commercial real estate business. You have any broad advice or observations down there? Rich Arnitz: We do. There is a lot of unknown out there and there’s a lot…

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Residential Real Estate and Recession Resistance

Wally Smith: …we’re certainly watching the stock market have a tremendous overreaction. And I call it an overreaction because if you think about it this way, think about a gasoline tank. A big storage tank that has thousands and thousands of gallons in it and people are driving past it and they’re on their summer…

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How will the U. S. Economy and People fare through coronavirus?

Wally Smith: And folks, we have entered this crisis as a country in so much stronger of a position than we did the last crisis that we entered. I cannot imagine if this had hit us four years ago. And this isn’t making a political statement, but there are so many more people working, there…

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Coronavirus, Real Estate Lending Problems, and how a DST could help

Wally Smith: If I’m going to sell a property to somebody, that person has to be able to buy my property. Are they going to be able to get a loan to buy my property? Rich Arnitz: That’s some of the things that people are coming to Ridgegate with right now where they can’t close…

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The importance of financial planning in times of crisis

Wally Smith: I’m covering a lot of stuff. It’s a stressful, stressful time for people. They’re wondering whether they’re losing their life’s work, whether they’re just getting ready to retire, and whether they’re going to be able to or not. A lot of that has to do with how their assets are allocated. Whether they…

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Coaching you through your 1031 Exchange

Wally Smith: …So with all of this going on with Corona and all of the problems, I had a client call a week. Actually kind of struck up a little friendship communicating with each other. He was an ex-air force guy, really enjoyable. We had a lot in common, who kind of walked in the…

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Spotlight: Rich Arnitz

  Wally Smith: Rich, I didn’t get to do much of a formal introduction, we just jumped right into it, but could you share a little bit with us about your … what, 30 years in the industry? Man, you’ve seen it all, you’ve worked in the REIT space, you’ve worked in individual space. I’m…

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How to Earn Passive Income from Owning Cell Tower Real Estate

  Wally Smith: So talk a little bit about how that works. Somebody has a, and again, I’m always, you’re doing a great job of explaining things, but I always want to take it all the way down and translate it to somebody who’s just starting. Maybe they have a couple of condos or a…

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