1031 Exchange


5 Not So Obvious Tips for Investment Real Estate Owners

Schedule a Strategy Call: https://start.impact1031.com/scheduling/ ________________________________________________ 00:00 – 00:38: Introduction 00:38 – 01:52: Tip 1: There’s a Difference Between an Investment Real Estate Owner and a Real Estate Investor 01:52 – 03:27: Tip 2: Make Your Real Estate Part of Your Investment Strategy 03:27 – 04:50: Tip 3: Sell Your Property to Keep Your Equity…

I Talked to 1000 Trapped Investment Real Estate Owners… This is What I Learned

Schedule a Strategy Call: https://start.impact1031.com/scheduling/ ________________________________________________ 00:00 - 00:46: Introduction 00:46 - 07:45: My Real Estate is Holding ...

If I Wanted to Keep My Real Estate From Killing My Dream Life in 2025… This is What I Would Do

Schedule a Strategy Call: https://start.impact1031.com/scheduling/ ________________________________________________ 00:00 - 00:30: Introduction 00:30 - 02:58: Key 1: Know Your Numbers ...

You NEED to Know These Numbers in 2025

Schedule a Strategy Call: https://start.impact1031.com/scheduling/ 00:00 - 00:05: Intro 00:05 - 00:16: Bumper 00:16 - 08:27: Number 1: ...

Episode 14 – 1031 Exchange, DST, Strategic Use of Debt, Mailbox Income, and Post-Crisis Investing

June 8, 2020

Episode 14 1031 Exchange, DST, Strategic Use of Debt, Mailbox Income, and Post-Crisis Investing

The Basics of 1031 Exchange

April 10, 2020

The Basics of 1031 Exchange Last Updated 10 April 2020 Introduction We cover the topic of 1031 exchange extensively on our show and podcast The 1031 Show™.…

The Basics of Delaware Statutory Trust (DST)

April 10, 2020

The Basics of Delaware Statutory Trust (DST) Last Updated 10 April 2020 **We are consistently updating and adding to this particular article in order to represent multiple…

Episode 13 – How does Coronavirus affect Investment Real Estate?

March 30, 2020

Episode 13 How does Coronavirus affect Investment Real Estate? (Transcription) Wally Smith: Well, the stock market is crashing, interest rates are at an all time low, and…

Is coronavirus a new way of life–for investment real estate–or is it temporary?

March 30, 2020

Wally Smith: All of this is really unnerving. It’s really dislocating for a lot of people. But I think the big question in the back of everybody’s…

How to Meet with Us and what an Impact 1031™ Strategy Session Looks Like

March 30, 2020

Wally Smith: If you come in to see us or call us, just like we’re doing now, we can do a Zoom meeting. It’s very easy, we…

Overview of 1031 Exchange

March 30, 2020

  Wally Smith: …and again, as a review, when you do a 1031 Exchange, you have 45 days from the closing of your sale to identify the…

Who can benefit from The 1031 Show™?

March 30, 2020

  Wally Smith: Well, and we see it every, it seems like every decade now. There is a one of these severe once in a lifetime market…

How does coronavirus create investment real estate opportunity?

March 30, 2020

Wally Smith: You know there are a lot of sectors. We talked about market segments. There’s also a lot of ways to own things. You can own…

How does Coronavirus affect different real estate sectors?

March 30, 2020

  Wally Smith: A month ago the topic was entirely different and now the topics are all about the coronavirus and how that’s affecting the overall commercial…