How hard are your accounts working for you?
We think that many annuities aren't bought.
They are sold.
Because of this, many annuity owners may need to be rescued.
The Achilles Heel Hiding in Many Annuities
We believe there’s an Achilles heel that may be hiding inside many annuity contracts that can cause decreased performance and can dramatically change retirement lifestyle and outcomes.
Many annuity owners don’t even know this Achilles heel is hiding right in their own annuities.
In this video, we’ll tell you about this weakness, and show you how you may be able to rescue your annuities to pursue their intended goals in your financial strategy.
Why Many Variable Annuities May Have No Place...
We believe that many variable annuities may be dragging down the performance of your portfolio and may be keeping you from achieving the retirement you bought them to pursue.
You might be asking yourself, “what job should an annuity perform as part of my overall strategy?”
That’s a great question, and one that we believe far too few advisors discuss with their clients.
In this video, we will teach you our philosophy and show you how you may be able to rescue your finances from problem annuities.