Spotlight: Introduction to IHC’s Team | Finance Bites™ Real Estate | Impact 1031™
Participants today, Patrick Lam, president of Capital Markets. Hey, Patrick. Jason, director of acquisitions. Mike Jones, director of underwriting and asset management. And Sly, where Sly? There’s Sly. All right. Let’s start off. Patrick, if you could introduce who you are, what you do for Inspired Healthcare.
Patrick Lam:
Sure. Thank you so much, Wally. My name is Patrick Lam, and I am the head of Capital Markets and national sales manager for Inspired Healthcare Capital. Been in on the sponsor side for about 20 years now as a sponsor and as a person that controls Capital Markets for the sponsor.
All right, great. Jason.
Jason Muth:
Yeah, Jason Muth, director of acquisitions for Inspired Healthcare Capital. In charge of sourcing deals, bringing deals in senior housing acquisitions and then handling those acquisitions through the process and to close.
You’ve been a busy guy lately. It’s been a been of quite a year.
Jason Muth:
Yeah. We’ve all been really busy this year. Yeah, it’s great.
Absolutely. Mike, what do you do?
Mike Jones:
I direct the underwriting efforts and the asset management on the back end. Once all our properties are required, that’s primarily my responsibilities.
Where to go from here?
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At the end of this call, the only expectation is for us to answer two questions together:
- Is there something we can help you with?
- Would you like us to?
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Learning Video: 1031 Exchange and DST